Brief new bite here as the San Diego Comic Con is taking place this week/weekend. During the event, Kickstarter will be having several panels throughout the convention. We have been recognized as not only a great success story on Kickstarter’s blog:
but they have also asked Jimmy Palmiotti to participate on one of the Kickstarter panels about projects. If you are at the convention and are there Thursday and/or Sunday, swing by the 2 Kickstarter panels Jimmy will be involved with:

How to Kickstart Your Dream Like a Pro
Want to know how to run a successful Kickstarter campaign? Join our very own Craig Engler as he moderates a panel featuring writer/producers Jane Espenson and Brad Bell (Husbands), writer/artist/inker Jimmy Palmiotti (Denver, Forager, like a million other things) and artist John Picacio. Pick up some tips!

Thanks to the internet, self-publishing your own comic isn’t as difficult as it used to be. ComiXology co-founder John D. Roberts, Jimmy Palmiotti (who has done a few Kickstarter projects himself),Jamal Igle and Kel McDonald, will walk you through the whole process, from creation through funding, and finally, to publication.
Really awesome to have Kickstarter recognize our efforts on all our projects!