Several retailers are getting advance preview of artwork from Amanda Conner for the upcoming Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey #1 mini-series. This book will be debuting in February, just after the movie debuts. This is going to be a high profile book under the DC Comics Black Label book. With story by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, artwork by Amanda Conner and Paul Mounts, this is sure to be a fan favorite!
This is your opportunity to see some preview pages and check out some of the wonderful feedback being pushed for the book! Be sure to tell your local comic retailer to order you a copy!!!
Below you’ll find some of the preview pages for interior art by the amazingly talented Amanda Conner!
CREATOR OWNED HEROES comes back to life in an exciting way!
The groundbreaking project from Jimmy Palmiotti, Amanda
Conner and others, CREATOR OWNED HEROES, has regained life in an exciting new
way! The previously created
anthology title from Image Comics by the team has been pulled together into a
giant digital collection for everyone to enjoy!
CREATOR OWNED HEROES is an experiment Justin Gray, Steve
Niles, and myself launched and deliver monthly a few years back. COH got to
issue 8 before we had to shut the project down for lack of orders and terrible
distribution. We were losing money at an incredible speed and learned a few
lessons along the way. To this day, I get people that never heard of the series
and we figured maybe this might be a good time to do an actual collection of
all the cool material we have. What we were trying to do monthly with COH was
bring a mixture of Comics, interviews, cosplay and how to material to the comic
book lovers out there for a cheap price. Sort of like Wizard magazine with
sequential storytelling included by some of the greatest talents in the
industry. We published 8 oversized books and now for the first time we are
DIGITALLY COLLECTING all 8 issues into one huge DIGITAL 386 page read for an
insanely reasonable price!
To do this, we’re launching this project on Kickstarter. Kickstarter, we’ve run a successful 10+ campaigns so this continues to be an incredible way to reach out directly with our fans.
You can check out some of the options at Kickstarter: