Successful DENVER campaign plus upcoming conventions
Whew, it has been a hectic month folks. After running the gambit for our DENVER Kickstarter campaign, we’ve managed to fund the project entirely and it has been our most successful campaign to date. We got a ton of new backers and offered up a variety of different options for people to back. Now the finishing touches on the art, lettering and music for the project before we send it out for printing.
We hope you were able to get aboard the campaign!
In additional news, both Jimmy and Amanda have some upcoming convention appearances at MegaCon in Orlando and Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle. If you’re going to be in either of those areas, we hope that you stop by and say Hi. Everyone that is able to swing by, we love it. There will be books/prints available to purchase and autograph items for you. But most of all, the chance for them to just say thanks to each of you for supporting their projects!
More information about the conventions and the panels that the crew will be involved in can be found at the respective convention websites:
MegaCon –
Finally, for any of you that are unable to make the convention, don’t forget you can swing by our online store and still snag some digital and print items from the crew!
And if you do, please post your reviews and purchase shares around the web!
Thanks again everyone!